Eureka math lesson 18 homework grade 2 module 4 in 2021
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: module 4: Angle measure and level figures.
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Topic b: comparing multi-digit integral numbers.
10 less than 47 is the same as 1 more than 35.
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Topic a: lessons 1-3: piecewise, number, and exponential functions.
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Topic c: problem resolution with the accession of angle measures.
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Topic c: rounding to the nearest ten and hundred.
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If student learning of module 4 is solid, move direct module 5 more quickly because information technology applies the very ideas to large numbers additional/supporting clusters : modules 2, 6-8 if tempo is a gainsay, save module 6 to the ending of the class because grade 3 starts with multiplicatio.
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Last Update: Oct 2021
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27.10.2021 10:29
Instructor editions, student materials, application problems, sprints, etc.
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28.10.2021 06:49
Faculty 4: angle bar and plane figures.
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20.10.2021 08:48
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